Trading Handshake Names with Bob Wallet & Shakedex

Trade Names Without Namebase

Anthony Mandelli


Bob Wallet is a non-custodial Handshake wallet, domain manager, and now part of the secondary namespace economy thanks to an upcoming integration with Shakedex.

Upgrading Bob to version 0.7.0 will give you access to the Shakedex integration. As an added perk, upgrading your Bob version is now easier than ever and no longer requires removing and re-importing the wallet directory! 🎉

Note: this is still a pre-release version, so use with caution.

Running the installer package will download the new version and then open Bob’s login screen updated and ready to go. After logging in, if all went well you’ll see the Exchange tab on the bottom of Bob’s main navigation.

Shakedex Exchange

From the Exchange screen, you can see your listings, your fills, and current auctions live on Shakedex.

Your Listings: names your currently have up for auction.

Your Fills: your current bids.

Live Auctions: browse auctions on the Shakedex exchange.

Buying Names

Clicking Fill next to a name in the auction browser brings up a confirmation dialogue. To place your bid, click Fulfill Auction and enter your password when prompted.

After filling the auction, your bid will show up under Your Fills.

You can view the status of the name transfer on the Exchange page and under your transaction history from your Portfolio.

The transfer typically takes approximately 15 minutes

After transferring, it will take roughly 48 hours for the name to register to your address on the Handshake blockchain. Once complete, you’ll be able to finalize ownership of your new name from the Bob Wallet Portfolio screen.

Starting Auctions

In order to auction a name with Shakedex, the domain must be registered (if it isn’t already).

From the Domain Manager, click on the domain you want to auction, then Send Register underneath the name.

Registering the name takes approximately 15 minutes

After registering the domain, you’re ready to set up the auction.

On the Exchange page, click the Create Listing button to open the auction menu. Here you select the name you want to auction, your starting and ending prices, and the duration of the auction. Fill out each field and click Place Listing to create your auction.

After your auction is confirmed, the domain will appear under Your Listings on the Exchange page.

Your current auctions on the Exchange page

When you auction a name, it gets transferred to an auction wallet for holding. You can see the transfer status on your Portfolio page.

Domain transferring to the auction address

Like buying a domain, once your name is transferred to the auction wallet, it will take approximately 48 hours to register on the Handshake blockchain.

After the transfer, you have to create the proofs for your auction by clicking Generate next to the name.

Confirm your start bid, end bid, and auction duration, and Bob will generate your auction proofs. A confirmation will pop up after the presigns are generated.

Finally, to list your auction on Shakedex, click Submit next to the name.

You’ll get a confirmation shortly after submitting (typically 10–15 seconds) that your auction is live on Shakedex web. After that, your auction will be open for the duration you selected.

Shoutout to Sky Include for creating a video tutorial for using the Bob Wallet / Shakedex integration.

Learn more

Happy selling! Check out more about what’s to come for the dWeb on Blockchannel.

More Handshake resources:

Why names are the most valuable assets on the internet

The bullish case for Handshake

A technical exploration of the Handshake project

The Shake weekly Handshake newsletter



Anthony Mandelli

Technology story teller | Amateur Django dev | Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and books.